Sunday 25 August 2013

Post Holiday Blues

Well, I've just come back from a week of loveliness with LC and I want to make a list of what we've been up to:

* Seeing (and taking part in!) The Fringe in Edinburgh

* Going to St Andrews where LC went to university, having a picnic on the beach, and paddling in the North Sea

* Being rowed across Windermere in the blazing sunshine

* Spending inordinate amounts of time with LC

I miss him dreadfully now he's at home and it struck me that I adore him. Not only is he my boyfriend, he's also my best friend. I can tell him anything and he won't judge me or laugh...... too much


Friday 9 August 2013

Last Weekend v This Weekend

Last weekend:

* Cocktails with friends

* Driving range (I hit that ball 73 times out of 75. Not bad for a beginner)

* Thai food with chopsticks

* The Movies (The Worlds End: go see it)

* So much laughing

This weekend:

* Too much work

* No LC

* A breakout of Urticaria


* Cleaning to do

And so life is. Ups and downs. But it's all to do with remembering that the down bit of it can be remedied. Or welcomed.